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James W. Prothro Student Paper Competition

The Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at UNC-Chapel Hill invites submissions to the 2024 James W. Prothro Student Paper Competition. The competition, held in conjunction with the Southern Association for Public Opinion Research (SAPOR) conference, recognizes excellence in student-authored research related to public opinion and survey research, broadly defined. A $250 award is given to the best student paper. The competition is named in honor of the late Dr. James W. Prothro, the noted political scientist who served as director of the Odum Institute from 1967 to 1973.

Papers using survey data to address theory, methods, or specific substantive issues of interest to public opinion researchers inthe areas of business, communication, economics, journalism, marketing, political science, psychology, sociology, survey methods, or related fields are welcome. Any student research, undergraduate or graduate, including that derived from work on theses or dissertations, is eligible. Papers co-authored with faculty or other non-students, however, are not eligible. From the papers submitted, one winner and as many honorable mentions as appropriate may be selected for presentation at the 2024 SAPOR Conference. Questions about the Prothro competition should be directed to Jessica Grant.

To submit your paper, please indicate whether you are a graduate or undergraduate student; include your name, academic department or program, school, postal address, email address, and telephone number at which you can be reached. You may submit your paper electronically by emailing Jessica Grant.

Submissions due August 31, 2024