Map & Visit Odum
Office Location: 123 West Franklin St., Suite 330A, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
The UNC Odum Institute is located on the third floor of Carolina Square in the heart of West Franklin street, Chapel Hill.
Guests of The Odum Institute may park in the Carolina Square parking deck, located in the same building as the Center. Please park in a spot marked “Hourly Parking” on the 1st and 2nd floor of the deck. Please be aware that the parking garage elevator is separate from the office building elevator so take the stairs or parking garage elevator down to the first/ground floor, enter the office building through the revolving glass door, and then take the elevator to your desired floor.
Hourly parking rates are as follows:
First 45 minutes – free
Second 45 minutes – $2.00
Every subsequent hour – $5.00 per hour